Comparative analyses of two EFL syllabi adopted at schools in the European Union
Comparative analyses of two EFL syllabi adopted at schools in the European Union
Základní informace - Comparative analyses of two EFL syllabi adopted at schools in the European Union
Tittle: Comparative analyses of two EFL syllabi adopted at schools in the European Union
Type: Seminar paper
Language: English
Author: Graduate
Date of the defence: 2011
Comparative analyses of two EFL syllabi adopted at schools in the European Union
I chose Scandinavian countries, Sweden and Finland for my comparative analyses.
In Sweden, the teaching of English aims very good language skills and social and cultural knowledge, so it is impotrant to use language in different contexts as the medium of communication. The main emphasis is given on social interaction between pupils as in Finland. When speaking about the second and the third foreign-language teaching in Sweden, the important role play speaking and writing in the languages concerned. In my opinion, in Sweden pupils should be able to distinguish between spoken and written subject matter. On the other hand in Finland pupils gather information and are led to think about it, so searching for information gaining in knowledge and using cognitive processes are emphasized.
Aspects related to communication In both, Sweden and Finland, there is no priority given to written skills, because in my opinion, pupils are not supposed to write without mistakes. In Sweden no priority is given to either production or comprehension but in Finland production of verbal and written messages is very important for the development of communication skills. One can say, that fluency is emphasized to accuracy.
Listening and speaking
In Sweden, generally, pupils should take part in conversation in the foreign language, express thein own views and develop their ability to relate to other people and the world around them. Awareness of different forms of spoken language and socially –and regionally –based variants is also highly important. I think, that through communication pupils practice a lot of vocabulary and are self-confident when speaking in front of the class. Finland does not mention any general information concerning listening and speaking.
Generally, in Sweden, the main points of adopting English are taking part in discussions, responding to the views of others and developing pupils own ability to use English, so productive skills are definitely emphasized. In Sweden, targets to be attained by the end of the 5th school year are understanding clear and simple speech and taking part in simple conversations but when speaking about A-languages at the end of the lower stage in Finland, pupils should get along in everyday life by using the language orally. Pupils in both states use simple language to express their opinions. Pupils in Sweden, when dealing with English and the second language at the end of the 9th school year are able to describe in simple language something they have heard, read or experienced. This pupils in Finland do not do, but both Swedish and Finnish pupils concentrate on participation in everyday conversation. Communicative skills are highly percieved in both states.
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